St. George School

Classroom Expectations

Jr. High  Math

Welcome to the St. George Jr. High Math Program. Math classes will meet 3 days a week with a goal to complete 1 - 2 lessons per class. 

  • 6th grade will focus on the fundamentals of Algebra (Pre-Algebra) 
  • 7th grade will focus on Algebra 1 concepts 
  • 8th grade will focus on reviewing concepts from Algebra 1 with an introduction to various Geometry and Statistics concepts 

I look forward to working with both you and your student for a successful 2019-2020 school year.



  • Your students will be mathematically proficient.  
  • Relate math to everyday situations.



  • Work Hard
  • Follow Instructions
  • Ask Questions!!
  • Show your Work
  • Write neatly and organized. If I cannot read it you will not receive a grade.
  • If you don’t understand something, be patient we just have to try learning it another way.
  • Have fun with Math in order to enjoy it!
  • Relate Math to your everyday life.



Homework is expected to be completed everyday it is assigned and turned in the next time the class meets. For example, Jr. High Math meets on Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday; any homework assigned on Monday will be due on Wednesday, homework assigned on Monday will be due Wednesday, and homework assigned on Thursday will be due on Monday of the following week. Homework will be considered late and will receive only partial credit (“C”) if turned in one day late. Students who miss homework due to absence may turn homework in late one calendar day for each day absent. It is the student’s responsibility to get work missed due to absence, and to complete the work in a timely manner to be checked or graded. There is an “Absent Bin” where students may look for missed class assignments and our school website is another tool to use when absent.


Failure to attempt all sections of the homework will result in -2 to -5 points off of assignment, based upon teacher discretion. Please make an effort to attempt all problems. Homework turned in without a name will result in -2 points off of the assignment.



Show your work & neatness 

All work is expected to be completed on a separate sheet of paper with a student’s best effort. Neatness is required on all assignments. This includes not only handwriting, proper heading, papers without wrinkles or tears. Difficult to read and/or messy assignments will be returned to students to be redone. “Redo” assignments need to be returned the next day in order to receive full credit.


Failure to turn in a show your work page with homework/workbook assignments will result in -2 points off the assignment. Please note, mistakes happen, therefore ALL Math work needs to be done in pencil. Homework, Quizzes, and Tests done in pen will result in -2 points off the assignment.



  • Formal: Test, Quiz, Projects, & Accelerated Math (Exercise & Diagnostic) 
  • Informal: Homework, Classwork, Observation, Participation, Exit Ticket, & Accelerated Math Practice


Math Scoring Breakdown


Accelerated Math Practices

  • Each trimester, each student needs to master at least 12 objectives.



  • Depending on each homework, assignment will be graded by the overall amount of question given.


* The Jr. High Math classes follows the rules set by the Junior High Level in regards to behavior, ZAP Program and any other situations that may arise*  

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