St. George School

Supply List

St George School Schoolwide - Supply List 2021-2022

The following must be purchased by all students:

  • 2 reams (500 sheets) of white copy paper, per student - Bring to school on or before the first day.
    • Students without paper will have $10.00 per ream added to their tuition bill.
  • 3 boxes of Clorox Wipes
    • Students without these items will have $20.00 added to their tuition bill
  • 1 box of Band-aids
    • Students without these items will have $10.00 added to their tuition bill
  • Each student should have 1 small bottle of hand sanitizer for their individual use at their desk.

Put first name and last initial on all clothes, PE clothes, sweaters, and personal belongings.

Catholic Students Today - Catholic Leaders Tomorrow - Estudiantes Católicos Hoy- Lideres Católicos Mañana