Please join us on Thursday, February 28th, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for our Annual Science Fair in the Lucas Hall. Bring family and friends to view the amazing projects.
Join us on Fri. Feb. 8th @ 7 pm for an entertaining Family Night with the Ontario Reign. All who attend will participate on the ice holding the American Flag during the National Anthem. Tickets are $20. Ticket sales end Tues. Feb. 5th.
Fri. February 1st, we will be celebrating Grandparents Day. All grandparents are welcome to join us for a special Student Mass at 8:30 a.m. & an Assembly at 11:00 a.m.
Scholarship forms for the 2019-2020 school year are now available. Please contact Mrs. Carter. All forms must be submitted by February 1.
Friday, December 21st, is a minimum day with a noon dismissal. The School will be closing at noon, Extended care and hot lunch will not be available. Aftercare charges ($1 per minute fee) will begin at 12:15 p.m.
Reminder to all families, Friday the 14th, we will be having our annual toy drive for Jubilee House. Please remember to bring a new toy and one personal hygiene product for donation.
Parents, report cards are now available to view on your parent portal of Gradelink. When you log into Gradelink on the left, select the "Grades" tab. Once under the "Grades" tab, there will be a PDF document of the report ca
Please read the PDF document attached for important information regarding our new report card. God bless!
St. George Social Tail Gate Party Dinner tickets are available in the office for our Tail Gate Social. Purchase at the pre-sale price in the office. **Also Volunteers are Needed**