Friday, November 9th, is a minimum day with a noon dismissal. Please note the school will be closing at noon. No daycare or hot lunch will be available.
We are looking for foursomes for the Bishop's Golf Classic. Please reach out to Mr. Ramirez if you are interested. Our goal is to have 10 foursomes for the event. All proceeds go to the scholarship fund.
Mark your calendars for our 1st every Trunk or Treat event on Thursday, October 25th. Don't forget to contact Mr. C by October 15th to reserve your spot.
The Book Fair is here! The book fair is open Monday, October 8th, through Friday, October 12th, from 8-3 p.m.. Come and find a new book to read, especially for our Annual Read-A-Thon, which will be on Friday, October 12th.
The World's Finest Chocolates Sale Fundraiser is underway. Don't forget to pick up a box or two to help support St. George School.
Thursday, September 20th, October hot lunch orders are due. Please contact the office with any questions.
Attention all Jr. High students, STAR Math testing will take place on the first day of school for math grouping purposes.