St. George School

5th Grade » Class Saint / Prayers

Class Saint / Prayers

Our class patron saint is St. Anthony of Padua.
Our plaque was donated by 
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip De Santiago.

St. Anthony of Padua Prayer
Our 1st Trimester recitation goal is for students to recite our class prayer listed below:
St. Anthony of Padua Prayer
Dear Saint Anthony, you took the words of Jesus seriously,
“Be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
The Church honors you as a Christian hero,
a man holy dedicated to God’s glory,
and the good of the redeemed.
St. Anthony, Model of Perfection,
ask Jesus to strengthen by good dispositions,
and to make me more like you, more like Him.
Obtain for me the favors I need. (Name them)
Querido San Antonio, tomaste las palabras de Jesús en serio,
"ser perfecto, aun cuando tu Padre celestial es perfecto."
la iglesia te honra como un héroe cristiano,
un hombre totalmente dedicado a la gloria de Dios,
y el bien de los redimidos.
San Antonio, modelo de perfección,
pedirle a Jesús que se fortalezca con buenas disposiciones,
y que me haga más como tú, más como él.
Obtener para mí los favores que necesito. (nombre ellos)
Click below to learn more about our classroom saint, in Spanish or English:
Catholic Students Today - Catholic Leaders Tomorrow - Estudiantes Católicos Hoy- Lideres Católicos Mañana