St. George School

Jr. High Religion/Social Studies / 8th Grade » Jr. High Religion/Social Studies

Jr. High Religion/Social Studies

"...All things are possible if you believe..."

(Mark 9:23)



Dear students, 

May you spend the next few months aware of Jesus’ love for you. May you look for Jesus in prayer, find Him in Sunday Mass, and respond to Jesus’ commandment that we love one another, and to serve others as Jesus did.

I wish you an enjoyable, safe, and relaxing summer. As we look toward the upcoming new school year, we pray for God’s continued blessings on our school community. I will be ready to welcome you back in August.  Live Jesus in our hearts forever!

In Christ’s love,

Mrs. Lopez









Catholic Students Today - Catholic Leaders Tomorrow - Estudiantes Católicos Hoy- Lideres Católicos Mañana